Construction of a technical college - Tujereng, Gambia

What are we seeking fonds for?
We are constructing a technical college in Tujereng, Gambia.

We need a total of Gdalassi 3.mill. for this project. We have managed to raise
money for phase one.

Who is SOS-Gambia (School and Health project - Gambia)
The SOS-Gambia association was founded in late summer of 2012, but we
have been active in Gambia since 2004, when nurse Susanne Skov Petersen,
our present chairman, worked as a volunteer at Serekunda Health Center.

The association consists of exclusively voluntary workers, thus enabling us to
keep our expenses at an absolute minimum. We are a large group of about 30
voluntary workers, arranging flea markets, bingo games, lectures and quilt
markets and many other activities. We have approximately 260 paying
members. The main part of the paying members sponsor a youth pertaining to
a technical college, others pay a member’s fee, and support us in this fashion.

The project group
This group consists of the SOS-Gambia board in coorporation with the FONGAM
(Foundation for the needy Gambia) board, founded in 2008, Gambia. FONGAM
is our sister organization in Gambia and our extended arm in Gambia.

The aim of the project
We wish to construct a technical college with room for 100 students. We wish
to give the students a practical education as well as teach them more common
skills, such as writing and reading, within the first 3 years. It is our goal that
35 students graduate each year. The courses they will be able to sign up for
are tailoring, hotel management, IT and metal works, enabling the students
go directly from college into employment.

Voluntary work is alien to Gambian culture. We wish to show them the
benefits of this and we will demand of the students with sponsors, that they
participate in voluntary work, thus making them give something in return, not
to us, but to their local community.

As we have been a part of lesser projects in Gambia for the last 9 years, we
have learned that it is imperative that we help especially girls and young
women who have not received any education or have dropped out of school, to
get an education. 40% of the population of Gambia are young people and
most of them are unemployed. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to
help the young, the unemployed and the uneducated, to an education, which
will benefit themselves, as well as their families and society as a whole.

Since we started the project in Gambia, approximately 300 students have
received an education. We still keep in touch with many of the graduated
students and we are pleased to see how they succeed on the job market. The
former students attended and the current students attend a school that we
rented. But as this school is decaying and as the sanitary conditions are
appalling, we risk that the government close the school, which is why we have
decided to build a new one.

We have already been given the site by the local authorities.

What have we achieved so far
Renovated health centers.
Connected a nursery school to the main water supply.
Constructed a technical college in a village.
Constructed abstraction wells with a solar system for irrigation and for
drinking water.
Connected the technical college to the internet.
Constructed a work shop for the technical college.
Shipped numerous containers with equipment to schools and health
Handed out numerous family packages containing clothes, rice and other
necessities to impoverished families.

Our 2010 graduates.

Target group
Young Gambians between the age of 14 and 21 who have not received an
education or who have been left behind by the educational authorities. 75 %
of the students must be female.

We have obtained construction estimates from local enterprises in Gambia and
we will only involve local business and enterprises in the construction process.
FONGAM will supervise the construction on a daily basis. Representatives from
SOS-Gambia will be present 2 x 2 weeks a year during the construction,
preferably more.

We anticipate that the college will be finished in 2 years time. We expect to
star building autumn 2013 and we expect that we will finish autumn 2015.

SOS-Gambia's chairman Susanne Skov Petersen and the
chairman of Mr. Jagne, will place the foundation stone on the
new plot.

When the college is finished, it will be administered by FONGAM, with the
support Danish sponsors. during the last 9 years we have had approximately
160 annual sponsors, who as a minimum sponsor a child, which is the
equivalent of kr. 800 per year, possibly including an additional, voluntary
donation to the student's family, in terms of money for rice and the like.

There will also be established various projects in the college, which in turn will
make the college more independent, including cultivation of the adjoining
land, a bicycle repair shop and selling textiles.

SOS-Gambia has been able to raise kr. 175.000 for the project via various

The unique
What is very unique about this project is, that are target group is young
people, who have not earlier been given a chance in life. It is also unique that
we offer them vocational training and that we prioritize girls. Furthermore, we
will demand of the students that the give back to society in terms of voluntary
work. This might include establishing activities for the local children or the

April 2013: Designs produced by a voluntary, local architect is to be
approved by FONGAM and SOS-Gambia.
May - august 2013: Budget is to be finalized and approved.
August 2013 - December 2013 we will apply foundations for fonds.
January 2014: Project start, our 2 containers will be moved to the plot and
they will function as a part of the workshops.
A well will be established.
The plot will be fenced off.
A security guard will be employed and a small guard house will be

The project will be evaluated every 3 months at the board meetings.

See attached documents.

Susanne Skov Petersen and Sussie Lund-Jensen


Sidst opdateret 01-05-2015
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Construction of a technical
college - Tujereng, Gambia