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Newsletter May 2014
Finally the project is started.
This year we already had 3 trips to Gambia, with the only purpose to plan the building project of our new school.
In January Sussie and Visit were there, in March Marianne and Johnny, together with a team of sponsors, and now here in May Marianne and I the undersigned.
During the first two trips building meetings were held, with the responsible people, budgets were made and adjusted, until all parties concerned were satisfied.
During this trip, we reached the first big goal, having the building contract signed by the villages Tujereng’s own contractor and The Alkalo, which gives a ownership relation to the school, that it is the village own people, who are being involved.
The contract is signed, Alkalo Mr. Bojang and Vice Chair Mariama Sarr Seesay.
It is very serious and likely people which has started the work, which we have had planned for almost three years.
The rain season are rapidly closing in and we would like to reach as much as possible, before the rain makes a stop to it all, therefore works has started both on building the wall, making well drillings, guard house and platform to the 3 containers, which are to make up the workshops for the students, function as a depot for us, and as tool shop for the school.
Digging out for the wall is completed.
Before we left the country, 8000 stones had been made, by hand so to speak, for the wall, which were half completed, The guardhouse wall were finished, well drilling were completed, and the framework for the water tank established.
The platform had started, that means digging the hole for the foundation, ready comes the work.
Building bricks are being made.
At the same time appr. 10. man were engaged in cleaning the ground for  weeds, and it is important to it removed entirely with the root, as specific plants with an enormous root net are able to demolish the Foundation.
Weeds are being removed from the site.
All work is “ manpower “ all are being produced in the hand, and work were very concentrated, one day we counted 60 man in work. There were an enormous energy and a fantastic atmosphere which clearly hit us all.
The villagers is now clearly able to see the school will become a reality, and it already gave work to much young man and as soon as the counstructionwork started, 2 girls sat there and sold food to the workers.
Food is being sold to the many workers.
Note the work closing are from Denmark (unfortunately not enough to all).
The walls of the guardhouse are finished.
The tower to the water tank is completed.
The wall surrounding the compound is in the height, and ornamented pillows are being supplied on the front.
Clearly to everyone, it has been a fantastic experience to get the building started, we believe that in the long planning period has been fruitful and that we now can build a solid school, with which all can be satisfied with, and the youth of Gambia can have joy of in many years to come.
We are filled with energy to continue the voluntary work.
We had means on the bank account to start the construction, but now we have to start fundraising for the remaining part. If any good connections, please say so.
We are looking forward to follow the construction, and pictures will fort running be exposed on the homepage. <>
With friendly regards
Susanne Skov.
Sidst opdateret 01-05-2015
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Construction of a technical
college - Tujereng, Gambia