Ida was 14 years old, when SOS-Gambia came in
contact with her. She was the only girl out of 6
siblings. Her father was dead and her mother
mentally ill.

Ida did everything concerning nursing her siblings,
and the daily housekeeping etc.

Ida had never been to school before SOS-Gambia
gave her the possibility for a sponsored education
on a technical school for 3 years.

Now, after 3 years, Ida can read, write, calculate
and speak English.

She has a job at a tailor, and has the possibility for
an independent life.

And the best thing about it all is that Ida has
changed from being a very shy and private person,
to be an open and happy girl with ambition for life.

- AND US -

Yassin has never attended school.
She is from a very poor, children-rich family.

Yassin was given a second change via schooling at
Ebo Town Technical School.

After her third school year, SOS-Gambia helped
her to an internship at a hotel, where she after
half year was employed to carry out the sewing
work at the hotel.
Later she has advanced to work in the kitchen.

She is so keen on learning that she has decided to
use 300 Dalasi of her salary of 1500 Dalasi a
month (appr. Dkk. 300,-) on further studies.

Her aim is to get a high school degree.
We are in continues contact with Yassin, and hope
that she will reach her goal.
Alex is one of our real great sunshine stories.

Alex dropped out of school in 9th grade, when his father died.

He should, despite his young age take care of the family, which
consisted of
5 siblings and a sick mother.

Alex took the task seriously, and went to the local health center
to work as a volunteer. In 8 years he showed up every day at
work, to great satisfaction for both the employer and the

The Health Center got a new leader, who was able to see the
opportunities in Alex and to help him to get into an education.
As he had not completed his primary school, he was therefore
asked to take an entrance exam for the nursing school.

He passed it, and SOS-Gambia was asked if we would sponsor
his education.
We said yes, and in the autumn 2012 Alex passed as a nurse
and as the best in his the class, and further received a
scholarship for continuing his education.

In the year of 2013 he was voted the nurse of the year. At the
moment Alex is busy with more studies for surgical nurse.

He has bought a piece of land to build a house, and within long
he will be busy moving his large family to his own house.

He is supplying us with the energy to continue the help to the
young people in Gambia.

Alex with his certificate for nurse of the year.

Ebrima Cham, 16 year, became in the school year 2013 not only nr. 1 in his school, Nusrat high school. And even better - also the best in the whole country, Gambia.
His parents are without job, and could no longer manage to pay for his school, and with the outlook of having to leave the school the father went to the school Master, who asked him to pay only 600 dalassi, Not even this little amount was the father able to pay.
The Schoolmaster, Mr. Bojang really wanted to try to help the boy.
He explained the situation to Doctor Mariama Sarr Seesay, who again asked SOS-Gambia to help the boy.
We quickly found a sponsor to Ebrima, money for the school were paid and he could continue  his school on Nusrat.
As a special goal,  Ebrimas sponsorfamily went on a waist in Gambia in march 2014 and visited in that connection the family. It became an overwhelming visit for both parties. Ebrimas family are so great full.


Benthe and Henning, at visit to Ebrima and his family.

Sidst opdateret 01-05-2015
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Construction of a technical
college - Tujereng, Gambia